
Andrew Ratcliffe

Andrew Ratcliffe

After thirty days on the road in Mississippi I’m happy to say I’m home and back in the studio!

To help celebrate our 75th episode I sat down with Andrew Ratcliffe of Tweed Recording in Oxford, MS.

Andrew has been producing and engineering bands for over twenty years and has carved out an incredible career in an area rich in musical history and heritage. His list of clients includes The Black Crowes, The Damnwells, Pokey LaFarge, Jimbo Mathus, Will Sexton, and the North Mississippi All-Stars.

Phil Dudderidge

Phil Dudderidge

I can’t tell you how incredible it was to sit with Phil Dudderidge at my first AES show, and listen to him reflect on his career.

Today, Phil is the Chairman of Focusrite Audio Engineering, a highly successful company known for its audio interfaces, preamps, and consoles, but at seventeen, he was just a kid in North London with a van, and a willingness to seize every opportunity that came his way.