David Dann

“There are times when nobody knows what happened” (Dann on the trials and tribulations of being a historian)

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For this weeks episode I had the pleasure of sitting down via skype with Mike Bloomfield historian, David Dann. We recently spent time together up in Portland Maine for a screening of the film that I co-produced called Sweet Blues where Dann served as a moderator for the panel discussion. His passion for Bloomfield’s playing and legacy has manifested into the creation of a website called MikeBloomfieldAmericanMusic.com which has given fans backstage level access into the life and career of the virtuoso.

In this episode we touch on everything from; the trials of sifting through fact and fiction when compiling first hand accounts, to how Dann became so interested in Mike in the first place. So strap in and enjoy our latest installment of Roadie Free Radio and be sure to keep an eye out for Daivd’s book on Bloomfield that hopefully will be on shelves in a year’s time.

Special Mentions:  Michael Bloomfield- If You Love These Blues: An Oral History by Jan Mark Wolkin and Bill Keenom , Super Sessions with Bloomfield, Kooper, and Stills , Highway 61 Revisited ,  Long TIme Comin'- Electric Flag , From His Head to His Heart to His Hands- Michael Bloomfield, The Paul Butterfield Blues Band